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  3. ‘Google Tax’ Paid to Kazakhstan’s Budget Reached ₸13.3B in 2022
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 February, 2023 | 14:41
1 min read

‘Google Tax’ Paid to Kazakhstan’s Budget Reached ₸13.3B in 2022

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited made up the largest share

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Justin Tallis/Getty Images
Justin Tallis/Getty Images

Foreign digital companies paid ‘Google Tax’ worth a total of ₸13.3 billion in Kazakhstan last year, QazMonitor reports.

According to the State Revenue Committee, as of February 21, 2023, 45 digital companies sell goods and services online in Kazakhstan. The largest amount was paid by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited with ₸2,920,820,109.

Since January 1, 2022, foreign digital companies were lawfully obligated to pay a 12% value-added tax (VAT) on goods and services digitally sold to individuals in Kazakhstan. By September 2022, the tax paid to the state budget amounted to ₸6.1 billion.

Following Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, American online retailer iHerb came in second place with an annual index of ₸2,624,182,413. The top 5 also include Google Commerce Limited with ₸2 245 669 026, Apple Distribution International Limited with ₸1 728 264 127, and Valve Corporation with ₸1 649 544 682 paid.

Google Voice Inc. (₸7,588), Facebook Payments International Limited (₸1,136,507), and Zoho Corporation (₸1,238,222) paid the smallest amount. The companies were registered with the fiscal authorities in March, February, and January of 2022, respectively.

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