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  3. Which Kazakh Startups Won at the Digital Almaty Awards 2023?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 February, 2023 | 10:27
1 min read

Which Kazakh Startups Won at the Digital Almaty Awards 2023?

Seven companies were recognized for their outstanding achievements in digitalization

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Which Kazakh Startups Won at the Digital Almaty Awards 2023?

International technological forum Digital Almaty 2023 awarded seven startups for outstanding achievements in the field of digitalization, QazMonitor reports.

The Digital Almaty forum first started handing out awards in 2020. At the time, 8 IT products and 2 Astana Hub projects won their nominations. This year, there were seven categories: EdTech, MedTech, FinTech, e-Commerce, Women in Tech, Best Venture Capitalist, and Best CDO.

Here are the list of winners:

Daryn Online became the winner in the EdTech category. The project is a multimedia educational platform that provides both paid and free courses for various school subjects. The platform also offers online tutoring.

Cerebra was named the best MedTech startup for its AI-powered software that specializes in early stroke detection, as well as faster and more accurate treatment.

Solva won the FinTech nomination. The company renders services in the country’s online lending market, providing customers with scalable financial solutions.

The best e-Commerce project award went to the online marketplace Currently, the startup delivers more than 400,000 different products, ranging from toys to home appliances.

The nomination for the best Chief Digital Officer of the year went to the vice minister of labor and social protection Yerbol Ospanov.

Most Ventures, a private business incubator specializing in building startup ecosystems, became the winner in the Venture Capitalist category.

Co-founder of the Techno Women initiative Asem Nurgalieva received an award in the Women in Tech category. An international non-profit organization, Tecno Women promotes STEM among women and girls, encouraging them to engage in innovation-driven projects.

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