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  3. 5 Opportunities for Startups in Kazakhstan This Winter
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 January, 2023 | 17:12
3 min read

5 Opportunities for Startups in Kazakhstan This Winter

Programs and competitions from Terricon Valley, Astana Hub and NURIS in early 2023

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Freepik: Per Lööv
Freepik: Per Lööv

QazMonitor put together a list of 5 local opportunities for startups in Kazakhstan in the first quarter of 2023. If you are looking for an accelerator or incubator program to get your emerging company to the next level, this list is exactly what you need.

Terricon Valley programs

Terricon Valley is a Karagandy-based IT hub that promotes digital development and helps early-stage startups with a variety of programs, meetup events and a local coworking space.

The valley’s accelerator is a two-month program (from January 21 to March 17) based on the lean startup methodology. The applicants can expect an intensive course on know-how of B2B and B2C interactions, as well as specific product cases. The latter is managed by an impressive pool of regional experts from Kazakhstan, Russia and Central Asian countries.

The application is free

Prize pool: ₸2,4 million grant from Yandex

Terricon Valley also offers a 2-month incubator (from January 21 to March 31) aimed at helping early-stage startups to identify the project’s core idea, strengths and weaknesses. The base-level program will guide the participants from a concept to a functioning startup.

Application fee: free

Prize pool: ₸1,2 million

Location: Karagandy, Terricon Valley IT hub, Alalykina Street 12

NOTE: the deadline for both programs is January 20.

Astana Hub Battle

IT startups on the MVP, PMF or Scale stages can participate in the Astana Hub Battle, a major enterprise competition that will take place during Digital Almaty Forum 2023 on February 2-3.

The participants must come up with a convincing one-minute pitch to win over the jury's votes. In the battle’s finale 10 companies will compete for the chance to claim $10,000 for the first place, $5,000 for the second, and $3,000 for the third.

Application fee: free

Location: Almaty, Atakent EXPO, Timiryazev Street 42

NOTE: the admission deadline is January 20

NURIS Innovation Cluster programs

The NURIS Innovation Cluster at Nazarbayev University (NU) opens New Year with a fresh admissions batch for 2023 programs.

Quick Start is an accelerator program for MVP-stage projects specializing in education, healthcare, agrotechnology, fintech, e-commerce, and retail. The participants will have weekly individual consultations, courses on startup marketability, and access to NU’s resources and partners.

Quick Start also offers post-support for scaling businesses to foreign markets, angel investors' meetings, and general fundraising. At the end of the accelerator, promising projects will receive funding up to ₸3 million.

Application fee: 2,5% share of the company 

Another NURIS program in early 2023 is ABC Incubation. The 12-week program is aimed at early-stage projects in IT and telecom, the Internet of things, Big Data, AI and machine learning, healthcare, agrotechnology, and infosec.

The incubator will aid companies by developing a personalized roadmap, mentor tracking, and networking events. On completion, the startup exits the course with a fully-fledged business plan, a competent team, and a functioning project basis.

Application fee:₸5000

Location: Astana, Nazarbayev University, Qabanbay Batyr Avenue 53.

NOTE: the application will be announced in late January- early February

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