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  3. Italy's Largest Industrial Association Opens Representative Office in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 December, 2022 | 11:07
1 min read

Italy's Largest Industrial Association Opens Representative Office in Kazakhstan

Confindustria Kazakhstan will promote business ties between Italian and Kazakh companies

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The Italian labor and commerce confederation Confindustria has opened its branch in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing Kazakh Invest.

The General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) unites 150,000 enterprises or about 80% of Italian companies.

Confindustria Kazakhstan, which held its General Meeting on December 12 via video conference, will represent the interests of Italy's largest companies and SMEs in the Kazakh market.

The activities of the branch will be focused on promoting business cooperation between Italian and Kazakh companies, developing business partnerships between enterprises and regions of the two countries, as well as improving the investment climate.

Another important aspect of the work of the industry organization will be interaction with specialized associations, the largest business associations of the two countries, as well as the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Italy, the Embassy of Italy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Italian Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE).

In addition to companies already operating in the market of Kazakhstan, the members of Italian business associations studying the prospects for cooperation with Kazakhstan were invited to participate in the meeting.

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