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  3. Kazakh Chess Player Enters the Guinness World Records
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:27
1 min read

Kazakh Chess Player Enters the Guinness World Records

Youngest ever champion makes history in Kazakhstan's chess

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Kazakh Chess Player Enters the Guinness World Records

Bibisara Assaubayeva became the youngest world champion in blitz among women at the age of 17, reports the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan.

Bibisara, who was born in 2004 in Taraz, set the record after winning the World Chess Championship, which took place in Poland in December 2021. The young prodigy holds several titles besides World Blitz champion (2021), including International Master (2020) and Woman Grandmaster (2019).

Bibisara also took second place in rapid chess in the 2021 championship. She defeated Georgia's Grandmaster Nana Dzagnidze, Kazakhstan's Assel Serikbay, and pulled a draw with the winner of the international championship, Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk.

The Kazakhstan Chess Federation extended their congratulations in a letter. 

"For the first time in history, a Kazakh chess player enters the Guinness Book of Records for achievements in chess. Certainly, this record is a result of huge work and great motivation for the upcoming generation. We wish her further success in all her future endeavors."

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